Category: Professional Insight
ESRS is out – the significance of Double Materiality Assessment
ESRS has brought the double materiality to the center of the strategy for European (and non-European) companies. Let’s see how.
The new rules for CSR reporting in Europe: ESRS is coming
ESRS is in discussion to set nez standard in ESG reporting, let’s see where we are at.
Plastic – what’s the problem(s)?
Why is plastic such a topic ? Here is some clear and simple facts to understand the source of the problem(s).
The carbon footprint of Media – Part 2: Print, Audio and Outdoor. 
To continue the deep dive into the topic of the carbon footprint of advertising, we have investigated the status quo on print Audio and Outdoor (OOH) advertising. Both OOH and Audio are more diverse in their formats, infrastructure, and delivery modes, which impacts the capacity to calculate relevant averages or find overarching papers that present dedicated results…
The carbon footprint of Media – Part 1: Digital and TV
The advertising industry is pressured, like any other sector, to reduce its impact on Climate. Brands and publishers have pledged to become carbon neutral by 2030 to mitigate the risks for the environment. What is actually the impact of media production and usage? what can brands do?