After months of silence and passionating work, the two launch editions of our concept have been released: Wings of Hamburg and Les Ailes de Hambourg, the first bilingual guides to the birds of the city.

The concept aims to bridge a powerful gap for international people: acquiring the local language of nature to be conscious of its existence surrounding us.
We developed the first editions about Hamburg because it is our city: it is joyfully green and offers multiple water spaces: rivers, canals, lakes, and ponds. It also has numerous parks and gardens, which creates a large bird population. The story starts with bird watching as it is a diverse, visible and unanimously enjoyable part of urban nature.
I was not a particularly educated person on bird watching, even though I loved it. It was exactly what was needed to get this project running: I did not know enough to imagine its limits.
This candour, not to say naïvety, brought fresh air on the traditional vision of a book about birds. Going towards the concept of essential information and beautiful explanatory designs rather than precise, detailed and long content. We aim to invite to discover more through other – more specialised – content.
We also got the support of the community of local ornithology experts: they welcomed something new, targeting a broader audience and embracing cultural differences. They gave their time and expertise, reading and commenting, and offering photos and information. We are extremely grateful to feel this support.
As of the 28th of May 2024, the books (and some by-products) are available for sale here :
We are hoping to broaden our concept with other editions:
- Other flora and fauna
- Other languages
- Other Cities
Do not hesitate to get in touch if you wish more details.
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